You have to know that this career path, like so many others, has its upside and its downside.
On the upside, imagine an environment where you get to dress up, do your hair and makeup, listen to bumping music all day, and chat up a storm on every topic under the sun. Sound amazing! Right?
Not A Work-From-Home Job
On the other hand, you have to make time every morning to put yourself together whether you feel like it or not, even at a minimum you have to be publicly presentable, meaning no sweatpants. You have to look like you are representing your industry, even if it’s just in a low-maintenance way.
You don’t always get to pick the music and it can never be too genre specific. You have to learn advanced social skills and how to manipulate a conversation, especially on hot-button topics. That sounds a lot like work.
They say when you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. Life is full of polarity. So is every wonderful thing you do in life, chances are pretty good that there is a less appealing downside that is necessary.
Employee, Or Self-Employed
Some examples would be, you work for someone else as an employee. Now you have to do what you are told when you are told to do it. You have to show up when you are scheduled, and you have to clear time off in advance with no guarantee of getting it. You also get paid a set wage, no matter how much money you bring into the salon, your only opportunity to make more is by getting tips or maybe commission on retail sales.
Or you an independent contractor (booth renter), and now you are at the mercy of your clients. You have to learn to maintain boundaries and balance for yourself. You also have to keep up on all your supplies and products yourself.
The beginning can be slow to build full books, which can be daunting if you are independent (booth renter). It’s hard to make enough to pay personal bills, not to mention business expenses, even if you are collecting a paycheck. It will only be minimum wage plus tips, and commission, if you are lucky.
The flip side of this is that you have been working in your career for years and have full books for months out. Now you are fighting to get enough personal time off so you don’t suffer from notorious burnout.
Some Fears
There’s more than just the fear of failing. There is the fear of surviving in the beginning, the fear of succeeding and feeling overworked, and the fear of reeling it in and maintaining better boundaries, because you are used to great money rolling in by this time and don’t want that to cut back.
And Doubts
Doubting Yourself? Sometimes you are moving along your career just swimmingly and come across a hateful Karen client that is impossible to please and she makes you doubt yourself and your decision to ever even consider such a career. I’m here to tell you We Have All Been There! Do NOT let them bitches rain on your parade. It’s only a phase. You may feel like you can’t do anything right lately or that every service you do just goes to shit. Hang in there, it’s just a phase and this too shall pass. I promise. do not give up on your dreams and your passions. You got this!
Well-Rounded Education
Different areas of education utilized in this career path are Psychology, Sociology, Communication, Chemistry, Color Theory, Math (weights, proportions, & geometry), Art, Business, and Finance.
Another great read to help you decide if hairdressing is a good career choice for you is: Passion Is Being A Life-Long Learner.
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