
Tips, Ticks, and Advice

This site intends to provide Tips, Tricks, and Advice to those in, or interested in, the hair industry. It is my way of continuing to use my two decades of education and experience, as I get to a stage in my career where I need to spend less time behind the chair. Now, I get to spend some time IN the chair, typing 🙂


I will be posting in 3 main categories: technique, soft skills aka social skills, and business. Also, I will be considering any feedback for future topics. I have found that there are so many things that basic beauty school just doesn’t teach you. This is fine until you are interested in becoming independent. That’s where this page comes in handy, as a source of information you can browse to help you along your career journey.

From the Home page, you will find a menu of these categories to help sort what I expect to become a long list of posts. Use that to help narrow your search for information. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Academic Subjects

Aside from the standard geometry, color theory, chemistry, business principles, and art, I believe the biggest part of success in the industry is in direct relation to psychology and sociology, the human connection. Clients tend to be more loyal when they feel like friends and family. They will let their guard down and trust you to step inside their personal boundaries and comfort zone.

I expect this page will grow and evolve with the needs of those who care to participate in its evolution.

“Alone, we can do so little; Together, we can do so much” -Helen Keller


You can find all the legal pages, like disclosures, disclaimers, and terms of use in the home page menu and at the bottom of the screen.

SOCIALS. I encourage you to utilize the social media buttons to repost articles to your media pages, or to visit our social media pages. Facebook, X(Twitter), Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest. Hope to see you there.

For more Tips, Tricks, and Advice check back frequently and feel free to comment or contact me with any questions or concerns. Please keep in mind that this is a pretty big learning curve for me. I’m not as tech-savvy as say, my grandchildren. But never fear! I am up for the challenge. With persistence and love, I expect this site will grow to be quite a powerhouse. So, Welcome. Let’s get started.

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