Boundaries, And Their Importance

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Work/Life balance is important in any career and relies on setting and maintaining Boundaries.

Boundaries are important to help you avoid burnout, depression, anxiety, and a general disdain for people. They will help you separate your professional life from your personal life. Constant effort to maintain balance is not only important but imperative.

Different careers require different types of people. I know I am not the type of person that can be a school teacher, especially kindergarten, or junior high, ugh! Those people need a raise! It takes a special kind of person to do that job. Caregiving is another good example, it takes a special kind of person to do that job and all the unsavory job descriptions that it entails.

Hairdressers tend to be people pleasers. It’s a wonderful character trait but it comes with a downside. We also tend to have a difficult time setting and maintaining boundaries. Many hairdressers are happy, energetic, bubble-heads that will bend over backward to make someone else happy too. That bending over backward is where the problem comes in. People take advantage of nice guys. Clients will start asking for exceptions to the rules. Before you know it, it’s a regular thing and you are now burning the candle at both ends and self-care is non-existent.

Boundaries in your Schedule

Schedule Self-Care Ahead of Time

One of the biggest boundaries should be your working schedule. Make a point of not being behind the chair any more than 40 hours a week, full-time. Make sure you have designated personal time.

I have gotten to the point now where I will mark out every personal event that I know of for the whole year in January, or even December before the new year. Then the clients get filled in on the books.

My point is to be aware that clients will hope or outright ask you to put them on your books in the morning before you technically open, or at the end of the day even though you closed an hour earlier. Some may even ask you to come in on your scheduled day off. They will always have their reasons and circumstances. Make sure you are not the one paying the price for their convenience.


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It’s also a good idea to mark out a personal escape about every 2 or 3 months. Do a staycation or a long weekend in the neighboring city or state. Jump on a plane for a week-long destination. Plan to spend time with family or friends. Just do something, go somewhere. Not Work Related.

Plan to pamper yourself. Go get your hair done, get a manicure or a pedicure, schedule a massage or a coffee date with good friends you haven’t had time for in a while. Reflect and write in a basic journal.

Boundaries in Services and Prices

Another boundary might be the type of services you offer. If you make an exception for someone just to be nice there’s a chance it will become a regular occurrence or expectation.

Boundaries may be needed in the arena of pricing too. If you get into a habit of giving discounts or doing regular sales your clientele will come to expect it and will wait for you to offer your professional services on the cheap. You’ll never make money that way. Not without working yourself into a broken mess.

Personal space, believe it or not, is sometimes an area where you will need to hold boundaries with some people. Don’t ever let a client touch you inappropriately or make you feel uncomfortable in any way.

Here is another article that may help you hold your boundaries: Communication Skills

Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings. Feel free to leave a comment below or share on your social media. I have several social media pages too, Facebook, X(twitter), Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest.

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