About Me


A little about me, my why, who I am, and some of my credentials. A little bit of what makes me think I am qualified to host such a page.

My Why

“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach” -George Bernard Shaw.

Having started my career in the hair industry in early 2001, I have reached a point of more teach and less do. The last couple of years I’ve averaged 6 days a week and 9-12 hour days; around 55 hours a week – consistently, week after week, the whole year. Too Much! Beauty, as an industry, can be brutal on your body and your psyche. It’s time to leverage my two decades of knowledge and experience, and be behind the chair a little less.

I believe a huge part of what makes up this position in this career field is social skills and personal boundaries, both of which are not taught enough in beauty school, if at all. Here is a perfect page to help you along those topics. Soft Skills Page

Who am I

Hi. I’m Angie, a wife, mother, grandmother, hair stylist, salon owner, and now a blogger. I have been licensed and working behind the chair for more than twenty years now. I have worked For people, With people and mentored people. They say if you can find a way to make money doing what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. Umm, only kind of. I would have to tell you that if I ever decided to step away from the chair all together it would not be because I no longer love what I do. I even love my clients, well, most of them. It would be because my body has broken down to a point where I just physically can’t anymore, or it would be because sometimes working with the general public just sucks.

I have a category for technique that will help teach or refresh you on some basic skills. Technique

And a resources page that list the many items I use and recommend throughout the site. Shopping/Resources


A little more about me. As a stylist I worked 2 years in a corporate salon, 3 years in 1 private salon (with my gramma’s hairdresser), 9 years in another private salon (5 years too many), and now over 8 years as a working behind the chair owner of a booth rent salon. I have mentored 5 students and worked along side numerous skilled and talented hairdressers. You’d be hard pressed to not pick up a few tips and tricks along the way. I’m here to share some of that with you. I don’t claim to be the top 1% in my industry, but I can definitely fix a Covid home hairdo of all kinds.

Welcome to my page. You are welcome to join me on this journey, as I’m sure we will be sharing some enlightening and entertaining stories. I hope you find some insight and help here. I welcome your questions and comments, so please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Also, don’t hesitate to share on social media, or check out my posts on those platforms. Facebook, X(Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest